Wednesday, May 21, 2008's more like thoughts of "what am I going to watch on Tuesday and Wednesday nights now?!"

So now are you wondering what the future holds for David Cook, The American Idol? Where this fame will take him? What will he do with this opportunity?

You know I did! Have I been wearing this big "L" on my forehead the whole American Idol season for nothing?!Go Cook!

So, did you see the big finish, the grand finale, that's all she wrote of American Idol?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hell no. I can hardly wait for fall...casseroles.

Lose any weight?


So, what's for dinner?

I love summer. The age old question of "what's for dinner" is now easily answered with "salad". And, along with ease of preparation...maybe this girl might lose a few lbs.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sounds like a good time to me.

My house is craziness. I literally found a bra in the kitchen, a pair of pants in the bathroom, another pair of pants in the bedroom, and a dress draped over a dining room chair. Chaos.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

You had me up until the K-Mart fact...and then you killed any idea of traveling there.

Color me geographically challenged...but who knew the USA owned Guam?? And Obama just won there. I had to look it up on a map- it's near Australia and it touts : Think palm trees, white beaches, coral reefs - and the world's biggest K-Mart.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Are you listening to Broadway show tunes on the IPod again?

I think I will walk to work tomorrow. It almost makes me feel like I live in a bustling city; enjoying the fresh air and making the mad dash to that high rise building of creativity as I tip my hat to the doorman and the coffee girl hands me my steaming hot latte as I arrive.

Monday, April 28, 2008

And here I was thinking it was just blowing the crap out of my hair.

Loving this Spring weather. Love the sun, the crisp cool mornings, but not a big fan of the wind. I could think the wind is blowing away our winter blues or blowing in new opportunities...

Friday, April 25, 2008

Maybe we should be the unforgettable dancing tarts?

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Miss London, not exactly a girls weekend --but Pangaea is doing a grand reopening this Saturday. Our favorite baker always throws a great party with lots of breads, cheeses, wine, and tarts to enjoy. Perhaps dancing is an option there?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It would be fun...but where would we go in our po-dunk town? We've got the old, the bad, and the ugly at the bars...maybe we should do a girls weekend and hit Vegas?

Monday, April 21, 2008

Speaking of a great adventure...wouldn't it be fun to go out and dance one night in the near future?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Here's hoping that some men take a look at Ms. Krupp's book as well...getting older is like the great adventure for men and women...might as well enjoy it and laugh at the twists and turns.
Another excerpt from Charla Krupp who states that as we get older "everywhere you want hair, it's thinning. Everywhere you don't want hair, it's growing." Thanks Charla, thanks a lot.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

India, why would you walk by a shop filled with croissants, eclairs, and sweet tarts? My dear, walk right in and save a seat for me!

Springtime is here and I've been trying to walk everywhere to get in some sort of summer shape.
The only problem is I keep walking by that cute,little, pastry shop.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Do you think the Wal-Mart crowd will start looking a little more pulled together now or will there always be that Hanes XL gray sweatpants woman that makes us steer clear of that place?

We love that the author has added the "high, medium, or low" brilliant buys. Everything from moisturizers to miracle workers in denim at all price points.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Can we package it and put it in a coffee drink? I never have time to sit down and'll have to give me your top ten tips you learned.

What am I reading? How Not To Look Old/Look 10 years younger, 10 pounds lighter, 10 times better by Charla's filled with lots of tips.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Last night of the conference. One too many alcoholic beverages. I did the splits on the dance floor. I'm not sure if I was more surprised that I did such a thing or that I could still do such a stunt.

I'm sure you handled yourself in a polished and professional manner...your company should be proud.

Who knew there was so much drinking, dancing, and partying on a business conference trip? These people are crazy nutty!

Now, where are my manners?! How was your first business trip? Did Debbie do Dallas?

au contraire! You're prepping yourself for the Sex movie blockbuster at the end of'll be lightyears beyond me.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I am staying up way too late watching repeats of Sex and the City....I'm such an idiot.

Friday, April 4, 2008

That only works if you don't move to the Midwest...that part of the country doesn't get the style news until it's a day old. Or, you could move there now and be the trendsetter.

While you were busy doing Dallas, I've been busy getting the new look with my hairdresser. I know they're everywhere but if I stick with my "bob" for another six months everyone else will be onto the next new fad and I'll look like the girl with that "one of a kind" haircut.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hello Mr. Boss man. Just as an FYI I'm loving my job at the to Dallas with no coworkers and lots of conferences to skip. I mean attend.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Do you think your boss really works after hours or is he/she checking out everyone's email accounts? Am I being paranoid?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

All those who want to move to Europe raise your lipstick...atleast for me a spot.

What would make me happy...remember when a casual cocktail at lunch was considered de rigueur and not an invitation to the local AA? After lunch is always more stressful in my life...a little buzz would make things so much more pleasant.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Classic? It's called make it quick and make it easy. You know my life, India, it's too fast paced to be fussy. Go with something that makes you happy.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

London, your hair always looks fabulous. Your style is so classic...why must I change my look every year or so?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Isn't it fabulous?

My television is being invaded by all these unknown wanna-be's competing for rewards that will soon be forgotten by fall's television premieres...

Monday, March 17, 2008

And a fine Top o' the mornin to you, lassie. You could have called me Juan or Carlos this weekend at the flea market in southern California.

On St. Patrick's Day in college, besides all the green beer, we would change our names to have an Irish lilt ...McIndia, O'London...would fool anyone to think we came from the land of the leprechaun.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Makes my life seem a little more normal with other crazys in the mix (or is that "crazies"?) We need casual cocktails more often.

So good to see all the gal pals last night. I love hearing about all the friends of friends and the neuroses and other baggage they bring to the table.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

I totally agree. If you have the style to throw it together without looking so put're a fashion goddess in my book. Some people just try too hard and others think about fashion way too much.